Hotel service throughout Germany!

FAIR connection has the necessary insider knowledge and spares you the task of time-consuming research. Save valuable time – we'll find a suitable hotel in line with your wishes. We book hotel rooms for all kinds of fairs and events! In Hanover, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Cologne, Munich or other German cities.

More than just hotel reservation . . .

On request, we'll organise everything from your arrival arrangements to the programme details of your visit. We'll help you find suitable restaurants, carry out taxi or car rental bookings, and make sure your entire stay runs as smoothly as possible.

Congress-Hotel-HannoverA fair price only from
FAIR connection - more information

Among others, we collaborate with the following hotel:

Sie suchen eine Unterkunft in Hannover oder Umgebung?
Sie möchten unseren Hotel-Service nutzen?
Sie möchten Zimmer oder Appartements vermieten?

Rufen Sie uns unverbindlich an (0 51 39) 4 02 60 76
oder schreiben Sie eine E-Mail an FAIR-Connection

Schnepfenweg 2A · D-30938 Burgwedel · (Fax 0 51 39 - 402 60 77)