General Conditions for Reservation Agreement

1. Conclusion of a booking reservation

The booking contract is concluded when the agent issues a confirmation to the customer in writing or by fax for the reservation of accommodation that has been previously been accepted by word of mouth, telephone, fax or letter and for which arrangements in the form of board and lodging have been made. In addition, a written reconfirmation of the ordering party is absolutely required for the orderly conclusion of the contract, in which the ordering party confirms acceptance of the business terms and conditions underlying the booking contract.

2. Conditions for cancellation

The contract between FAIR connection and the customer is binding. If the customer withdraws from the contract either in part or in whole, the right to compensation or damages remains in force for the full amount. If the customer does not avail himself of any contractually agreed services, or does so only in part, (e.g. departure before the contractually agreed date), our claim for the contractually agreed remuneration remains valid for the full amount. FAIR connection will of course attempt to keep the loss incurred by the customer at a low level within the scope of our mitigation obligation (alternative arrangement of accommodation as and where feasible).

3. Liability

FAIR connection is liable within its obligation to exercise the due care and diligence of a prudent businessman for

• conscientious travel preparations
• the careful selection and monitoring of the service providers
• the proper provision of the contractually agreed services.

FAIR connection is active in the provision of services, e.g. vouchers for hotels, car rentals or transport, solely in a capacity as broker for the service provider. To this extent, we accept no responsibility whatsoever for damages to persons or their property caused by any providers of services entrusted with the accommodation or transportation etc. All prices confirmed by us are given in euros. Unforeseen price alterations from third parties (the hotel business) may be passed on to the ordering party.

4. Payment

Unless otherwise agreed, payment is to be made to us and not to the service provider e.g. the hotel. Specified payment dates exceeded by the customer entitle us to cancel the reservation without notice or explanation. The applicable payment deadline can be found on the reservation confirmation or the invoice. However, this does not relieve the customer of any duty to pay any follow-up costs that are passed on to us from third parties (e.g. the hotel). For payments to and from abroad, we charge a bank fee.

5. Exclusion of claims and limitation

Any claims relating to a failure to perform the agreed services are to be asserted in writing to FAIR connection by the customer within an exclusion period of one month after the contractual end of the reservation contract. After this period has elapsed, the customer may only assert claims if he has been prevented from meeting the deadline through no fault of his own. Claims are limited to 3 years, whereby the limitation period begins at the end of the year in which the claim arose and the customer became aware of the circumstances supporting the claim and of the identity of the liable party, or should reasonably have obtained such knowledge.

The place of performance and jurisdiction is Hanover.

German law is applicable.

Any increase in the statutory value-added tax is to be borne by the customer.

Sie suchen eine Unterkunft in Hannover oder Umgebung?
Sie möchten unseren Hotel-Service nutzen?
Sie möchten Zimmer oder Appartements vermieten?

Rufen Sie uns unverbindlich an (0 51 39) 4 02 60 76
oder schreiben Sie eine E-Mail an FAIR-Connection

Schnepfenweg 2A · D-30938 Burgwedel · (Fax 0 51 39 - 402 60 77)